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Servant re-enters.

We have no oil in the lamp.

Ah me! Why did you light the thirsty lamp? Come hither that you may weep!

For what, pray, shall I weep?

Because you put in one of the thick wicks.

Servant runs out

After this, when this son was born to us, to me, forsooth, and to my excellent wife, we squabbled then about the name: for she was for adding hippos to the name, Xanthippus, or Charippus, or Callipides; but I was for giving him the name of his grandfather, Phidonides. For a time therefore we disputed; and then at length we agreed, and called him Phidippides. She used to take this son and fondle him, saying, “When you, being grown up, shall drive your chariot to the city, like Megacles, with a xystis.” But I used to say, “Nay, rather, when dressed in a leathern jerkin, you shall drive goats from Phelleus, like your father.” He paid no attention to my words, but poured a horse-fever over my property. Now, therefore, by meditating the whole night, I have discovered one path for my course extraordinarily excellent; to which if I persuade this youth I shall be saved. But first I wish to awake him. How then can I awake him in the most agreeable manner? How? Phidippides, my little Phidippides?

What, father?

Kiss me, and give me your right hand!

There. What's the matter?

Tell me, do you love me?

Yes, by this Equestrian Neptune.

Nay, do not by any means mention this Equestrian to me, for this god is the author of my misfortunes. But, if you really love me from your heart, my son, obey me.

In what then, pray, shall I obey you?

Reform your habits as quickly as possible, and go and learn what I advise.

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hide References (2 total)
  • Commentary references to this page (1):
    • J. Adam, A. M. Adam, Commentary on Plato, Protagoras, CHAPTER IX
  • Cross-references to this page (1):
    • Raphael Kühner, Friedrich Blass, Ausführliche Grammatik der Griechischen Sprache, A. Vokale.
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